Hi, I'm Bibek Aryal, an Application Developer.

I have over eight years of experience as a Full Stack Web Developer working for S&P 500 companies like Cincinnati Financial, Dish, and Netflix.

Click Here to check my full resume on the About me page.

Some code samples:

Spring Boot REST API with MongoDB

GitHub: bibekaryal86/pets-database: SpringBoot Rest API with MongoDb for CRUD functions (github.com)

Deployed at Google Cloud Platform: https://pets-database.appspot.com/pets-database/tests/ping

Spring Boot REST API for Executing Business Logic

GitHub: bibekaryal86/pets-service: Springboot Rest API for business logic (github.com) 

Deployed at Google Cloud Platform: https://pets-service.appspot.com/pets-service/tests/ping

Spring Boot REST API for User Authentication

GitHub: bibekaryal86/pets-authenticate: Authentication Service to validate username and password and return JWT token (github.com) 

Deployed at Google Cloud Platform: https://pets-authenticate.appspot.com/pets-authenticate/tests/ping

Spring Cloud Gateway API for Managing Requests

GitHub: bibekaryal86/pets-gateway: Spring Cloud Gateway implementation for a React project (github.com)

Deployed at Google Cloud Platform: https://pets-gateway.appspot.com/tests/ping

React SPA for User Interface

GitHub: bibekaryal86/pets-spa: React/Redux/Typescript Single Page Application (github.com) 

Deployed at Amazon Web Services: Personal Expenses Tracking System (SPA) (amplifyapp.com) 

Other Applications

React SPA Bootstrapped using Create React App

GitHub: bibekaryal86/router-usage-statistics-spa: Single Page Application built on React, Redux, Material UI to Fetch Data and Display (github.com) 

Deployed at Amazon Web Services: Internet Usage Statistics (View Only) (amplifyapp.com) 

Java App to Scrape Data from a Page and Save to MongoDB

GitHub: bibekaryal86/router-usage-statistics-java: Simple Web Service using JSoup to Login and Retrieve Data from an API, and Save to MongoDb. Then retrieve the data from MongoDb to present as HTML page or serve JSON response. (github.com) 

Deployed at Google Cloud Platform: https://routerstat.appspot.com/?isCheck=true

Monolith Spring Web MVC App Including JSP View Layer with multiple modules using Maven/Gradle

GitHub: bibekaryal86/pets-all-in-one: Maven/Gradle Multi Module Single PETS app (github.com)

Deployed at Google Cloud Platform:  Personal Expenses Tracking System : Welcome (petsuimpa.appspot.com) 

For a full list of public repositories, please visit my GitHub profile: bibekaryal86 (Bibek Aryal) (github.com)